"I don’t know (and I doubt anyone does) how the Earth will look a hundred or a thousand years from now, but I do think it’s fair to say that biological diversity will be diminished, and long-term damage will still be very much in evidence. Those of us who care even a little bit fall somewhere along the road from denial to acceptance, although we may not experience the stages in quite such a neat linear package since the object of our grief isn’t a person who has died, but rather a planet in a state of decline (for now). I find myself at times bouncing around the various stages, depending on the latest bit of (mostly bad, but occasionally good) news. I have moments when I am filled with militant, righteous anger, and others when I am simply sad. I also have moments of serenity and peace, accepting what is."
~ Rebecca James Hecking
More at http://rebeccahecking.com/
Artwork by Annie Day http://www.annieday.com.au/#!animalia/c1dg3
~ Rebecca James Hecking
More at http://rebeccahecking.com/
Artwork by Annie Day http://www.annieday.com.au/#!animalia/c1dg3