Friday, November 30, 2018

Grace of Silence~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

“Let us resolve: First, to attain the grace of silence; second, to deem all fault finding that does no good a sin; third, to practice the grade and virtue of praise.” 

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Artwork from Marion Lee James

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Continuing Creation ~ Canadian Yearly Meeting

"We do not own the world, and its riches are not ours to dispose of at will. Show a loving consideration for all creatures, and seek to maintain the beauty and variety of the world. Work to ensure that our increasing power over nature is used responsibly,with reverence for life. Rejoice in the splendour of God’s continuing creation."

Advices and Queries Canadian Yearly Meeting 

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Artwork From Angela Harding

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

At The Boundaries ~ Will Bonsall

“When you look at the boundaries of your garden, I assure you that you are seeing a mirage. There are no borders around your garden. Your garden is more like a pebble dropped in the water - what you perceive as a boundary is just the innermost ripple; countless other ripples spread out from there and bounce back from afar. This must be so, else how can we call a garden organic?.......For me - and, I believe, everyone else - that’s the challenge: to focus on the minute details while constantly remaining aware of the big picture. It's what motivates me to farm, indeed to live, as I do.”

~ Will Bonsall